The Fragile Future of Andes Glass Frogs

The Amphibian Survival Alliance is highlighting an important article from Smithsonian Magazine about Andes glass frogs, amphibians known for their translucent skin. The article examines the challenges these species face in the Andean cloud forests and the critical efforts needed to protect their habitats as threats continue to grow.

This […]

A Major Step Forward in Amphibian Conservation: Launching a Breeding Program for the San Lorenzo Harlequin Toad

Last week marked an exciting milestone for amphibian conservation. The Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA), in collaboration with the Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Biobanking Working Group of the Amphibian Specialist Group and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, partnered with Parque Explora’s Conservation and Animal Welfare team in Medellín, Colombia, to launch […]

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