Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page of the Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA). Here, we have compiled a list of common questions and their answers to provide you with a better understanding of ASA, our mission, and how you can get involved. We hope this page will serve as a useful resource to learn more about amphibian conservation and the various initiatives undertaken by ASA. If you have further questions or need additional information, feel free to contact us.

Our Approaches and Strategies

We adopt a multi-faceted approach rooted in evidence-based strategies and collaborative action to address the complex challenges facing amphibian populations worldwide. Through a global network of partners, organizations, and institutions, ASA engages in coordinated conservation action, guided by a set of key priorities to ensure a meaningful impact on the ground. This collaborative approach aims at promoting and facilitating an engaged and cooperative partnership across the globe to work towards a sustainable future for amphibians.

We utilize a data-driven model to identify high-impact projects, focusing on regions and species that are most at risk. The priorities are aligned with the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan (ACAP) and are informed by ongoing assessments of global amphibian health. To measure the impact of conservation actions, ASA has a robust monitoring and evaluation system. We track key performance indicators to assess the effectiveness of conservation actions and adapt strategies accordingly to ensure that the efforts are yielding the desired outcomes.

Conservation is a dynamic field that necessitates flexibility to adapt to new scientific findings, policy changes, and community needs. ASA regularly reviews its methods and outcomes, adjusting strategies based on new insights and evolving circumstances. This adaptive approach ensures that the ASA remains effective and relevant in its conservation efforts, responding to the changing needs and challenges in amphibian conservation. The goal is to continually enhance the effectiveness and impact of conservation actions to better address the complex challenges faced by amphibians worldwide.

Programs and Funding

ASA offers four distinct grant programs to support amphibian conservation efforts:

  1. Conservation Start-up Grants Program: Ideal for organizations launching new, on-the-ground projects aimed at improving the survival rates of globally Threatened or Data Deficient amphibians.
  2. Disease Mitigation Grants Program: Provides financial support for projects developing effective strategies against infectious diseases affecting amphibians.
  3. Future Leaders of Amphibian Conservation Program: Targeted at early-career conservationists, offering financial support for conference attendance, research projects, and capacity-building initiatives.
  4. Emergency Grants Program: Designed for urgent, time-sensitive situations that pose an imminent threat to the survival of amphibian species or populations, offering rapid financial support for immediate, on-the-ground conservation actions.

The focus areas and eligibility criteria for each program are as follows:

Conservation Start-up Grants:

  • Focus Areas: Species management, awareness raising, conservation planning, policies and guidelines, research & status monitoring, and evaluation, effectiveness measures, and learning.
  • Eligibility: Organizations focusing on improving the well-being of amphibians, particularly those that are globally Threatened or Data Deficient.

Disease Mitigation Grants:

  • Focus Areas: Disease management strategies, policy-informing research, collaborative efforts, and biosecurity measures.
  • Eligibility: Both organizations and individuals can apply.

Future Leaders of Amphibian Conservation Program:

  • Focus Areas: Conference attendance, research projects, and capacity-building initiatives.
  • Eligibility: Early-career conservationists.

Emergency Grants Program:

  • Focus Areas: Imminent threat mitigation, urgent conservation actions, and immediate, on-the-ground interventions.
  • Eligibility: Situations that pose an imminent threat to the survival of amphibian species or populations.

The application process and timelines for each grant program can be found on the ASA’s Conservation Funding page under each respective program section. The page provides details on the next grant cycle, the focus of each grant, and how to apply. It is advised to visit the page regularly for the latest information on grant cycles as the availability of new grant cycles is dependent on funding.

Yes, ASA provides a curated list of external funding sources on our Conservation Funding page, under the section titled “Looking for more funding opportunities?”. These external funding sources are provided to assist individuals and organizations in finding additional financial support for their amphibian conservation efforts.

ASA guides and facilitates the development of species conservation planning workshops, follows up on conservation impact, supports the creation of regional thematic or taxonomic-based conservation initiatives, and facilitates collaborations to apply conservation actions for amphibians.

Community Engagement and Education

We believe in the power of community engagement and education in promoting amphibian conservation. They invest in educational programs and outreach events, particularly targeting youth and young professionals. By building an informed and active community, ASA aims to foster a culture that values amphibian conservation, thereby encouraging more people to participate in conservation efforts.

ASA is dedicated to bolstering the abilities of our partners by understanding their training needs and supporting capacity-building initiatives. We provide support in identifying training needs and developing the capacity to implement conservation programs. Through our programs and collaborations, ASA enhances the capacity of our partners to effectively address the challenges facing amphibians.

ASA participates in educational and outreach events, supports the dissemination of conservation and science resources, coordinates webinars, maintains and develops the Future Leaders of Conservation Program, and is working on developing a volunteer program.

ASA maintains a strong presence on social and traditional media platforms, updates its website regularly, generates community education materials, produces online newsletters, supports and promotes amphibian media coverage, and is working on creating a membership program for individuals.

Policy Advocacy and Global Influence

ASA engages in policy advocacy to make amphibians a priority in international and national policies. Through active engagement with governments, NGOs, and communities, ASA strives to integrate amphibian conservation into broader environmental agendas. By making their voice heard at various policy levels, we aim to influence policies that directly impact amphibian survival, thereby promoting a more amphibian-friendly policy environment.

We collaborate with a global network of partners, organizations, and institutions to amplify conservation actions and integrate amphibian conservation into broader policies. Through these partnerships, ASA pools resources and expertise to make a meaningful impact on amphibian conservation at a global scale. By engaging with policymakers and other stakeholders internationally, ASA extends its influence to promote policies and actions beneficial to amphibians worldwide.

We strive to integrate amphibian conservation into broader environmental agendas by making amphibians a priority in international and national policies. ASA actively engages with governments, NGOs, and communities to highlight the importance of amphibians and their conservation. By aligning efforts with wider environmental goals, ASA works to ensure that amphibian conservation is included in broader discussions and actions concerning environmental sustainability and biodiversity preservation. Advocacy efforts aim to bring about policy changes that can have a positive impact on amphibian conservation and the wider ecological context.

Engagement with policymakers and other stakeholders is a key part of ASA’s strategy to amplify conservation actions and influence policies beneficial to amphibian survival. ASA communicates and collaborates with policymakers at various levels to integrate amphibian needs into broader environmental agendas. Through active advocacy, discussions, and partnerships, ASA aims to influence policies and create a supportive policy environment for amphibian conservation. ASA also works closely with other stakeholders, including conservation organizations, research institutions, and communities, to build a strong network committed to making a meaningful difference in amphibian conservation.

ASA identifies local partners and organizations, builds local and regional capacity on the identification of Key Biodiversity Areas and Alliance for Zero Extinction sites, promotes habitat protection programs, and raises awareness about KBAs and AZEs.


The ASA website offers a curated hub of resources designed to equip conservationists, researchers, and the general public with essential tools and information for amphibian conservation. These resources include:

  1. Publications: A collection of publications that provide valuable insights into amphibian conservation.
  2. Searchable Databases: Databases that allow users to access a wealth of information related to amphibians and their conservation.
  3. Conservation Networks: Information on networks that are instrumental in collective efforts to protect amphibians and their habitats.
  4. Diagnostic Laboratories: A list of laboratories specializing in diagnostics relevant to amphibian health and conservation.
  5. Amazing Amphibians: A section dedicated to showcasing the diversity and importance of amphibians.

Individuals and organizations interested in contributing to or seeking further information on the resources provided can reach out to ASA via email, as provided on the resources page. ASA welcomes input and contributions to help create a comprehensive and useful resource hub for amphibian conservation. We encourage anyone with specific questions or with additional materials to get in touch, as this collaborative approach helps in enhancing the resource hub and in turn, contributes to effective amphibian conservation.

Donations and Financial Contributions

Donations to ASA can be made through the Donate page on the ASA website. There, individuals and organizations can choose the amount they wish to donate and follow the instructions provided for making a financial contribution. The process is straightforward, and every donation, no matter the size, contributes significantly to supporting amphibian conservation efforts.

The tax-deductibility of donations may vary based on the donor’s location and local tax laws. It’s advisable to consult with a tax advisor or contact ASA directly for more information regarding the tax-deductibility of donations.

Donations to ASA are utilized to support various amphibian conservation efforts, including grant programs, core operations, research, community engagement, and education initiatives. By donating to ASA, individuals and organizations are directly contributing to a sustainable future for amphibians worldwide.

Yes, the ASA website provides an option for individuals and organizations to set up recurring donations. This is a wonderful way to provide ongoing support for amphibian conservation efforts.

•Upon making a donation, a receipt will be sent to the email address provided during the donation process. If a receipt is not received or if a duplicate receipt is needed, one can contact ASA directly for assistance.

•For more information about making a donation or any other inquiries related to financial contributions, individuals and organizations can contact ASA directly through the contact information provided on the “Donate” page or the “Contact” page on the ASA website.

Media Inquiries

Journalists and media professionals can reach out to ASA via the contact information provided on the “Contact” page of the ASA website.

Yes, ASA can provide experts for interviews or statements on amphibian conservation. Media professionals interested in interviewing ASA’s experts are encouraged to get in touch via the media inquiries contact information provided on the website.

Staying updated on ASA’s latest news and announcements is easy by subscribing to the ASA newsletter and following ASA on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Additionally, the “News” section on the ASA website is a valuable resource for the latest updates.