A webinar hosted by the Canadian Herpetology Society on Zoom.

8 pm EST on Wed 18 Nov 2020

Everyone welcome, free of charge, but pre-registration is required.

To register please email: [email protected]

Participants will be sent a Zoom link for the event.

Information will also be posted on the Canadian Herp Society website: http://canadianherpetology.ca/

Increasingly, environmental DNA (eDNA) approaches are being incorporated into projects that seek to detect and monitor wildlife and their pathogens. The long list of highly desirable attributes of eDNA approaches includes the relative ease and non-invasive nature of collecting samples. However, eDNA approaches are not a panacea. They are vulnerable to poor study design, improper sample collection and storage, and a slate of potential issues in the lab come time to test the samples using PCR-based assays. It has been our collective experience that many studies that start out with the best of intentions end in meaningless and unpublishable eDNA results, frequently as a result of avoidable pitfalls. Please join us for a brief overview of what eDNA approaches entail followed by a panel discussion that will touch on practical considerations and recent developments from both field and lab perspectives.

Organizer and emcee: Dr. Danna Schock, Palustris Environmental

Overview presenter and panelist:
Dr. Laura Brannelly, University of Melbourne

Dr. John Wood, Pisces Molecular
Dr. Alyssa Kaganer, Cornell University
Dr. Emily Hall, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Dr. Travis Seaborn, University of Idaho
Dr. Maria Forzan, University of Long Island