When: Thursday 19 September 2019 

Where: School of Anthropology and Conservation, Marlowe Building, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NR 

Environmental DNA is becoming an increasingly popular tool for assessing biodiversity, community structure and energy flow in water and soils. Both field and laboratory sampling and analysis methods are developing rapidly, but there remain some uncertainties in interpreting the data. This workshop will provide an introduction to those uncertainties, and to how improved survey design and the application of new statistical models can go some way to resolving them. The workshop is aimed at practitioners, consultants and researchers who are collecting and interpreting eDNA data as part of their work. 

1000-1030: Arrival, coffee/tea

1030-1200: Current practice in eDNA sampling for great crested newts – what are the uncertainties? (AB and RG) 

1200-1300: Introduction to modelling uncertainties in ecological data (EM) 

1300-1400: Lunch (not provided) 

1400-1500: State-of-the-art eDNA modelling (EM) 

1500-1530: Coffee/tea 

1530-1630: Interactive practical using new eDNA analysis software in Rshiny (EM and AD) 

The workshop is FREE but places are limited, and registration will close when all places are filled, or on 6 September (whichever is the earlier). Please sign up here providing your name and email: https://doodle.com/poll/akfzt929fqczpuhn 

Refreshments will be provided, but please bring your own lunch or use the campus catering facilities. 

Workshop facilitators: 

AB: Dr Andrew Buxton (ARC/Newt Conservation Partnership; DICE, University of Kent) 

RG: Professor Richard Griffiths (DICE, University of Kent) 

EM: Dr Eleni Matechou (School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Kent) 

AD: Alex Diana (School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Kent) 


Dr Eleni Matechou – [email protected]